Monday, December 28, 2009

Beyond the Shadows by Robin Lee Hatcher

Loneliness and grief stalk Deborah Haskin after her husband's death, but hope eases her pain when she marries Gideon. After their marriage, Deborah discovers a devastating secret—Gideon is an alcoholic! How can someone who has brought her healing bring so much hurt, too?

Alright, what do I have to say about this book? Well, first off, I was a little hesitant to read this book when I got it because it was about living with an alcoholic. It wasn’t something I wanted to read about, considering it’s not the best situation. But Beyond the Shadows was actually a lot better than I thought it was going to be. First off let me tell you that Robin Lee Hatcher did a wonderful job describing all the feelings the characters were feeling. I’ve read her books before and she’s always done a beautiful job in that area. As for the reality of the story, it was a very sad book. People normally do think that alcoholics are irritable and mean, but Robin shows how that’s not truly the case. I would definitely recommend this book to you, readers. Although I’m not really one to read a book where the characters narrate the story, but this one is definitely an exception. If you have time to read this book, I would tell you to read it. Robin Lee Hatcher once again amazes me with her ability!
I hope you have a wonderful New Year,

*This book was checked out of my local library for reviewing*


  1. AWESOME!!!! I will be adding this to my TBR list!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

